Spiritual Tours (DHAM YATRAS)
sādhu-saṅga, nāma-kīrtana, bhāgavata-śravaṇa
mathurā-vāsa, śrī-mūrtira śraddhāya sevana
In Chaitanya Caritamrta (Madhya Lila 22.128), Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is incarnation of Lord Krishna in Kali Yuga instructs about the process of devotional service. He states that there are 64 ways of devotional service but out of them, 5 are considered the best. And among these five ways one is Mathura-Vasa which means residing in places of Pilgrimage(Dham).
Places of pilgrimage yield a special advantage for a devotee in quickly advancing his spiritual life. Lord Krishna lives everywhere, but still it is very easy to approach Him in holy places of pilgrimage because these places are inhabited by great sages. Visiting a holy place of pilgrimage means neutralizing the reactions of sinful life. The holy places all over the earth are meant for purifying the polluted consciousness of the human being by an atmosphere surcharged with the presence of Lord’s pure devotees.
It is with this vision that we at Hare Krishna Mandir take care of Pilgrimage (Dham Yatra) of aspiring souls who want to uplift their consciousness by visiting the holy places around the country. Trips are conducted by senior devotees of HKM Guwahati who ensure that pilgrims get a memorable and devotionally inspiring experience through these tours. Apart from good stay, transportation, Prasad, one also gets to learn about the significance of the holy places and the past times of Lord and His devotees associated with those places.
Pilgrimage is not just about visiting a place but it’s a soul’s journey to come closer to God. Travelling with devotees and likeminded people helps us become spiritually strong , makes us free from all our anxieties and enable us re-discover peace in all dimensions of our lives.
Key features of the Program
- Easy, hassle free and quick Darshan of Deities.
- Learn the significance of holy places from Devotees & Katha during trip.
- Kirtan, Singing dancing & Sankirtan (devotional activity in group) during the trip.
- Japa Meditation
- Devotional Games & Recreation.
- Association of senior Devotees.
- Delicious prasadam.
- Well planned Itinerary, Comfortable stay, transport and round the clock assistance.