

Original price was: ₹60,000.00.Current price is: ₹51,000.00.

Hare Krishna Mandir, North Guwahati invite s you to take par t in “Maha Aarti  Programme”  being organized on 1st January 2022 to mark an auspicious beginning to the New year.



Hare Krishna Mandir, North Guwahati invite s you to take par t in Maha Aarti  Programme”  being organized on 1st January 2022 to mark an auspicious beginning to the New year.

The pro gr am will b e marked by the presence of 1000+ devotees visiting the temple and the special invitees performing a MAHA AARATI to usher in t h e N EW YEAR, in front of the LORDSHIP SHRI SHRI RADHA SHYAMSUNDAR Ji followed by a Delicious Dinner Prasadam with family.

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