Nityananda Trayodashi 2025

Nityananda Trayodashi Seva

Nityanda Trayodashi 2025

When Sri Krishna appeared on this planet five thousand years ago, He was accompanied by Sri Balarama. Five hundred years ago, Lord Sri Krishna appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, playing the role of a devotee. Lord Balarama accompanied Him as Sri Nityananda Prabhu. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu showed everyone how to achieve perfection in life by chanting the Holy Names of Krishna. Lord Nityananda assisted Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu by spreading the holy names of the Lord.

Nityananda Trayodashi marks the appearance of Lord Nityananda. Devotees worship Nityananda Prabhu as the original guru Who teaches us how to approach Lord Chaitanya. As the incarnation of Balarama in this age, He provides the spiritual strength to progress towards Krishna.

Here is an opportunity to receive the special mercy of Lord  Nityananda, Who can bestow upon us bhakti towards Krishna. Contribute towards a seva on this auspicious day. Special prasadam will be delivered to your home.

Offer your Seva and receive the blessings of Lord Nityananda

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*All Donations to Hare Krishna Mandir are Tax Exempted under section 80G of IT Act, 1961.

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